Sharon Shepard Jones (before 2022)
After graduating from Hamden High, I went to Covenant College in Tennessee. At the end of my freshman year I went on a summer missions trip working with the Tarascan Indians in Michoacán, Mexico. The next summer I hitch-hiked through Europe and studied at L’Abri in Switzerland, returned to college in Tennessee and then moved to California in December 1971. There I finished my B.A. in Psychology and an M.A. in Counseling and Personnel Services.
I have worked as a therapist in Forensic Mental Health, as a college counselor, a Group Home Social Worker, a Foster Care Regional Director, and a System Administrator over Children and Family Services, Alcohol and Other Drug Services, Crisis Services and Adult System of Care. When I retired from Siskiyou County Behavioral Health, I had a private practice counseling and doing Child Custody Evaluations, Supervised Visitation, and other reports for the Superior Court. My husband, Jack Jones, is a retired Los Angeles City Fire Captain and was in the Green Beret Reserves. When he retired he built houses. We enjoy our retirement – volunteering at our church and at the Dive Shop, hiking (he runs), scuba diving, camping, raising Monarch butterflies (6 generations so far this season), helping others and living on the California Central Coast. We have gone scuba diving along the California Coast, the Caribbean, Hawaii, Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. My favorite was a live-aboard dive boat in the central islands of the Solomon Islands – SPECTACULAR!!! My favorite place to live was Siskiyou County – a frontier county with less than 7 people per square mile, LOTS of wilderness hiking, fly-fishing, and winter cross-country skiing. But… the Central Coast is an awesome place to live (and no snow to shovel). We are thankful for the life that God has given us, for His many blessings and for having been able to make a difference in the lives of others. We are truly blessed! |